Sometimes I feel in such a mood like everything is meaningless and boring. And at the moment I feel a slight drowsiness -maybe because I didn't have my morning cup of coffee- and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I can imagine having to try sleeping and can't because I feel half dizzy. I'll feel sick.
Maybe because the day wasn't very interesting, though it was fun reading. I started reading 'Private' by Kate Brian and I never knew it was kind of interesting. Like a school girl novel.
Anyway..I wish I'd wake up like about 6 or 7am so I can bug the computer for about 2 hours or so because whenever everyone's awake, you can't bug the computer without being disturbed.
I like blogging because it's fun to tell someone atleast everything in my mind -I mean, some stuff even though no one seems to be reading any of my entries because it's...I don't know how to say it.
So here I am, loggin off from my blog account!
Yours thoughtfully, drowsily and normally,
P.S. I might make myself a cup of coffee to feel better.
P.P.S. I feel so annoyed and surprised why these kids on Poetry for kids like to go to forums than normal sites like mine??!! Why's everyone so attracted to forums and not everything???!!
:( Strange.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
I started getting addicted to this place where you can have your own boutique and make your own clothes and put prices for them!
It's kinda cool, why don't you visit my boutique and buy an outfit??
Visit my boutique here: MY BOUTIQUE
Loggin off,
It's kinda cool, why don't you visit my boutique and buy an outfit??
Visit my boutique here: MY BOUTIQUE
Loggin off,
Monday, 6 December 2010
A crazy thing I used to do when I was 12:
Use around 5 different types of shampoos at one time.
Friday, 19 November 2010
End to Story
Ok, I don't think I wanna continue that story which originally was inspired by 'Camp Confidential' and I kind of like it, but that doesn't mean I like camp stories. You can check it out here, it's free to read.
Maybe I've stopped writing in here for about a few weeks because I have nothing to write. Basically, I'd write stuff I'm doing, and at this moment I'm just typing, lol, but I still continue using this 'journal' even though no one seems to even read it. Well, I can read it when I want to, can't I? So its still kind of fun.
Here are a few websites you can check out if you're the girly girl type.
Strawberry Punch - A website made by a girl which isnt soo cool. Don't expect something wonderful, if you know what I mean. :P
Teen Runway - I think it's definitely for teenaged girls. It's made by girls and I think you'll enjoy it if you're a teen.
Oh yeah, and also my website:
Glitter Gems - A site for girls to have fun and hangout. There are many cool links you can browse through and maybe it's not the best I can do, but it'll be fun, won't it?
Fabulous PINK - Currently it's not available online but it's this really good site for girls of all ages. You can read, play, get your own blog and profile, post videos, talk, take goodies, and do other cool things with girls of your own age or whatever. :D
So chill out for now, and say thanks to my informative post!
Maybe I've stopped writing in here for about a few weeks because I have nothing to write. Basically, I'd write stuff I'm doing, and at this moment I'm just typing, lol, but I still continue using this 'journal' even though no one seems to even read it. Well, I can read it when I want to, can't I? So its still kind of fun.
Here are a few websites you can check out if you're the girly girl type.
Strawberry Punch - A website made by a girl which isnt soo cool. Don't expect something wonderful, if you know what I mean. :P
Teen Runway - I think it's definitely for teenaged girls. It's made by girls and I think you'll enjoy it if you're a teen.
Oh yeah, and also my website:
Glitter Gems - A site for girls to have fun and hangout. There are many cool links you can browse through and maybe it's not the best I can do, but it'll be fun, won't it?
Fabulous PINK - Currently it's not available online but it's this really good site for girls of all ages. You can read, play, get your own blog and profile, post videos, talk, take goodies, and do other cool things with girls of your own age or whatever. :D
So chill out for now, and say thanks to my informative post!
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Entry #2 - Surviving With Danger
She started to pack her bag, stuffing in her outfits first, then her ordinary clothes and then her best and most comfy clothes last -which was laid properly on top.
She dropped in a half-used bottle of her Dove shampoo, a metallic red hair brush, her handbag and her toothbrush and toothpaste. Then she paused, took her diary, pencil case and her special travel bag.
'Shucks,' she muttered under her breath, 'there's no more space left for more important things..'
She heaved a big sigh, then managed to stuff in all her things in order: important things first -her metallic shocking pink cell phone, her ipod, a bottle of water, her thick custard colored diary and a herbal chapstick, all in her handbag, then her clothes in her turquoise beach bag, and then her duvet, pillows and cushions in a little leather shoulder bag.
'Now it's time to go,' she thought, though she knew she wasn't really thinking what she was doing in the middle of the night. 'I'll find a place to live, somewhere near school. Then I'll handle everything after a good sleep.'
She tiptoed out of the peaceful house, wondering which street to take. When she got out the garden, an idea struck her.
'I'll take the lane to Lakewood street,' she thought soundly, 'I remember a Girls Camp house there, the Youths Camp. It's cheap, oh well, quite cheap.'
Britney began to worry when she was very near the camp. 'I've only pocketed fifty dollars, where will I get cash later?' then she remembered about her plan in her diary. She pulled it out of her handbag and read it, 'Hmm...' she murmured, 'not a bad idea...' then she thought about school, 'Oh no, I can't work and study at the same time!'
She quickly slipped in her notebook, it landed in the bag with a 'thump'.
The girl in her beige waistcoat stood looking up at the wooden sign obove the gate. It said, 'Youths Camphouse for girls, Lakewood, Texas, USA.'
The gate was locked, but behind the gate at the left was a small concrete structure.
'I'll ask the security then.' she thought.
Walking slowly, her sandals tramped on the well cut grass. Her eyes darted towards the little window.
'Who's that there?' a voice said.
She jumped, 'Oh, nothing. Just looking around.'
'In the midnight? What are you doing?' the voice said, but more hoarsely.
She thought for a bit. In her mind, she was crossing out a list of reasons:
A head appeared through the window, 'Oh, fine. You need an adult to be with you.'
She hesitated, 'But I'm sixteen, I can handle everything. Look, I can give you my ID, I mean, I'm an adult, well, a young adult but-'
'Okay, okay. Hang on,' the security appeared, he was in his uniform, a very plump little man. He fidgeted with the lock in the gate, the metal clanking loudly.
'Come in now,' he commanded, 'and follow me.'
Britney followed, trying to keep all the bags on her shoulders for just a few minutes more -or maybe a bit more than that. But the weight wouldn't stop her from doing what she wanted to, and she knew she was just...who cares anyway? Atleast she was doing her part well.
The stout little man locked the gate behind her and she shuddered, thoughts came to her of mom and dad waking up in the middle of the night, at 4 am, deciding to phone the police. She won't be able to get out of the locked gate in the morning if she suddenly changed her mind.
They stopped at a little white bungalow, 'Mrs Brian? Are ya there?' called the security.
The curtains behind the window pulled open, an old looking woman with greying hair eyed the two. Her eyes were tired looking, and looked annoyed because we were disturbing her sleep.
'What now?' she said when she walked out of the little bungalow.
'Here's a new girl wantin' to camp, please show her in.' said the security, and left.
Mrs. Brian stood there foolishly,'Oh, so you're new here?' she cleared her voice.
Britney nodded, 'Yeah, I'm new to camping, but my mom and dad decided to give me a bit of freedom. So...?'
She smiled, 'Ok, sweetie. What's your name?' she had a very strong american accent, which everybody will notice whenever they spoke to her.
'Ok, Britney. When did mom and dad drop you off here?' asked Mrs. Brian, yawning.
Britney kept silent.
'Atleast what time of the day? Like, morning or evening?'
'Er...actually we just arrived from another city, Chicago. So it took a bit long to get me prepared to settle down here, umm, so like, we had to unpack and all. So it's like, umm, very late.'
Mrs. Brian nodded slowly, taking everything in very slowly. 'Mmm...okay, I think it's a bit late to arrange everything for you, I mean, we'll just take you in to a room you'll stay in, and then in the mornin' we'll arrange everything for you and register you in.'
Britney looked relieved. Atleast she still has a an hour left of deciding whether to go back home. ''Hmm...'kay.'
'And by the way, did your school ever arrange any camp in this place? And, remember, we're gonna give your parents a call to let them know you're alright. You'll have to wake up tomorrow at 7am, sharp.' said the old woman.
The girl refused to agree after this sentence was spoken. Instead, she shrugged.
'And once you wake up n' have your breakfast, we'll get every information we need from you and then you can try to get the best out of your happy camping!' said the woman, trying to cheer Britney up.
'I'll try my best, miss. Goodnight.'
'Sleep tight, girl!' added Mrs Brian and she disappeared inside the little wooden bungalow.
Britney stood there, confused. Wasn't Mrs. Brian supposed to show her in her room?
Suddenly the wooden door bolted open, 'Oh Britney! So sorry!' came the same voice Britney heard a few seconds ago.
Britney felt relieved, 'It's 'kay.'
They went through the long path surrounded with thick fresh grass. On the floor of grass stood a never ending row of little houses, wooden houses. They were the camp houses, and one of them, thought Britney, will be where she'll be living for the rest of her life. Well, not until she's around eighteen or nineteen.
'Here are the girls' camphouses.' said Mrs Brian, 'currently used by Lakewood Middle School for girls.'
'And at the opposite path are the boys' camphouses,' said Mrs. Brian, 'I mean, camp tents.'
'Why's that?'
Mrs Brian shrugged, 'Apparently...we've moved out their little camphouses just a week ago, 'coz they were very old and shattered. So they're using camp tents instead.' she explained.
Britney took it all in, not being impatient like she was usually, but because she wanted to be polite. And as a matter of fact, she did want to know exactly why it was like that.
They reached camphouse eight, the lights were off. The windows did not flood any yellow light out of the room like the others did.
'Here,' said Mrs Brian, walking up the steps to the door, 'have a good night with Amelia.'
Britney wasn't so sure she felt like sleeping, she worried more. And no one, not even Mrs Brian -the very clever person she has met, knows she's running away.
'If she's so clever to ask for my mom and dads' number, howcome she won't know I'm running away from them?' she thought.
Mrs Brian unlocked the door and switched the light on. The house looked just like the ones beside it. Though some were going off now.
'Hey,' thought Britney, 'they must have noticed that Mrs Brian came, otherwise they'd still be awake!'
'Come in,' Mrs Brian told her. 'Just put your things in that cupboard. Tomorrow you'll come and meet me in my office upstairs through the main lobby to the first floor. Is that alright with you?'
Britney agreed to her and went in. She looked around.
'Hmm...atleast it's not like what I thought it would be.' she thought to herself. 'Camping looks safe, and cosy, and much more fun. Now I can get more than just school friends, it's like a dream come true!'
Okay. This is enough for one entry, I'll write what happens next in the next entry I'll be making some other time. Tata for now!
P.S. Make a comment about what you think below. In the next entry, all of you will also get to vote things like what names to choose, etc.
Thanx for reading! And hope you have enjoyed the story.
She dropped in a half-used bottle of her Dove shampoo, a metallic red hair brush, her handbag and her toothbrush and toothpaste. Then she paused, took her diary, pencil case and her special travel bag.
'Shucks,' she muttered under her breath, 'there's no more space left for more important things..'
She heaved a big sigh, then managed to stuff in all her things in order: important things first -her metallic shocking pink cell phone, her ipod, a bottle of water, her thick custard colored diary and a herbal chapstick, all in her handbag, then her clothes in her turquoise beach bag, and then her duvet, pillows and cushions in a little leather shoulder bag.
'Now it's time to go,' she thought, though she knew she wasn't really thinking what she was doing in the middle of the night. 'I'll find a place to live, somewhere near school. Then I'll handle everything after a good sleep.'
She tiptoed out of the peaceful house, wondering which street to take. When she got out the garden, an idea struck her.
'I'll take the lane to Lakewood street,' she thought soundly, 'I remember a Girls Camp house there, the Youths Camp. It's cheap, oh well, quite cheap.'
Britney began to worry when she was very near the camp. 'I've only pocketed fifty dollars, where will I get cash later?' then she remembered about her plan in her diary. She pulled it out of her handbag and read it, 'Hmm...' she murmured, 'not a bad idea...' then she thought about school, 'Oh no, I can't work and study at the same time!'
She quickly slipped in her notebook, it landed in the bag with a 'thump'.
The girl in her beige waistcoat stood looking up at the wooden sign obove the gate. It said, 'Youths Camphouse for girls, Lakewood, Texas, USA.'
The gate was locked, but behind the gate at the left was a small concrete structure.
'I'll ask the security then.' she thought.
Walking slowly, her sandals tramped on the well cut grass. Her eyes darted towards the little window.
'Who's that there?' a voice said.
She jumped, 'Oh, nothing. Just looking around.'
'In the midnight? What are you doing?' the voice said, but more hoarsely.
She thought for a bit. In her mind, she was crossing out a list of reasons:
I'm looking for my friendI'm a tourist, finding for a hotelReturning after my visit to my mom and dad -I belong here- I'm just looking for a camphouse, just a bit late (it's the truth, isn't it?)
A head appeared through the window, 'Oh, fine. You need an adult to be with you.'
She hesitated, 'But I'm sixteen, I can handle everything. Look, I can give you my ID, I mean, I'm an adult, well, a young adult but-'
'Okay, okay. Hang on,' the security appeared, he was in his uniform, a very plump little man. He fidgeted with the lock in the gate, the metal clanking loudly.
'Come in now,' he commanded, 'and follow me.'
Britney followed, trying to keep all the bags on her shoulders for just a few minutes more -or maybe a bit more than that. But the weight wouldn't stop her from doing what she wanted to, and she knew she was just...who cares anyway? Atleast she was doing her part well.
The stout little man locked the gate behind her and she shuddered, thoughts came to her of mom and dad waking up in the middle of the night, at 4 am, deciding to phone the police. She won't be able to get out of the locked gate in the morning if she suddenly changed her mind.
They stopped at a little white bungalow, 'Mrs Brian? Are ya there?' called the security.
The curtains behind the window pulled open, an old looking woman with greying hair eyed the two. Her eyes were tired looking, and looked annoyed because we were disturbing her sleep.
'What now?' she said when she walked out of the little bungalow.
'Here's a new girl wantin' to camp, please show her in.' said the security, and left.
Mrs. Brian stood there foolishly,'Oh, so you're new here?' she cleared her voice.
Britney nodded, 'Yeah, I'm new to camping, but my mom and dad decided to give me a bit of freedom. So...?'
She smiled, 'Ok, sweetie. What's your name?' she had a very strong american accent, which everybody will notice whenever they spoke to her.
'Ok, Britney. When did mom and dad drop you off here?' asked Mrs. Brian, yawning.
Britney kept silent.
'Atleast what time of the day? Like, morning or evening?'
'Er...actually we just arrived from another city, Chicago. So it took a bit long to get me prepared to settle down here, umm, so like, we had to unpack and all. So it's like, umm, very late.'
Mrs. Brian nodded slowly, taking everything in very slowly. 'Mmm...okay, I think it's a bit late to arrange everything for you, I mean, we'll just take you in to a room you'll stay in, and then in the mornin' we'll arrange everything for you and register you in.'
Britney looked relieved. Atleast she still has a an hour left of deciding whether to go back home. ''Hmm...'kay.'
'And by the way, did your school ever arrange any camp in this place? And, remember, we're gonna give your parents a call to let them know you're alright. You'll have to wake up tomorrow at 7am, sharp.' said the old woman.
The girl refused to agree after this sentence was spoken. Instead, she shrugged.
'And once you wake up n' have your breakfast, we'll get every information we need from you and then you can try to get the best out of your happy camping!' said the woman, trying to cheer Britney up.
'I'll try my best, miss. Goodnight.'
'Sleep tight, girl!' added Mrs Brian and she disappeared inside the little wooden bungalow.
Britney stood there, confused. Wasn't Mrs. Brian supposed to show her in her room?
Suddenly the wooden door bolted open, 'Oh Britney! So sorry!' came the same voice Britney heard a few seconds ago.
Britney felt relieved, 'It's 'kay.'
They went through the long path surrounded with thick fresh grass. On the floor of grass stood a never ending row of little houses, wooden houses. They were the camp houses, and one of them, thought Britney, will be where she'll be living for the rest of her life. Well, not until she's around eighteen or nineteen.
'Here are the girls' camphouses.' said Mrs Brian, 'currently used by Lakewood Middle School for girls.'
'And at the opposite path are the boys' camphouses,' said Mrs. Brian, 'I mean, camp tents.'
'Why's that?'
Mrs Brian shrugged, 'Apparently...we've moved out their little camphouses just a week ago, 'coz they were very old and shattered. So they're using camp tents instead.' she explained.
Britney took it all in, not being impatient like she was usually, but because she wanted to be polite. And as a matter of fact, she did want to know exactly why it was like that.
They reached camphouse eight, the lights were off. The windows did not flood any yellow light out of the room like the others did.
'Here,' said Mrs Brian, walking up the steps to the door, 'have a good night with Amelia.'
Britney wasn't so sure she felt like sleeping, she worried more. And no one, not even Mrs Brian -the very clever person she has met, knows she's running away.
'If she's so clever to ask for my mom and dads' number, howcome she won't know I'm running away from them?' she thought.
Mrs Brian unlocked the door and switched the light on. The house looked just like the ones beside it. Though some were going off now.
'Hey,' thought Britney, 'they must have noticed that Mrs Brian came, otherwise they'd still be awake!'
'Come in,' Mrs Brian told her. 'Just put your things in that cupboard. Tomorrow you'll come and meet me in my office upstairs through the main lobby to the first floor. Is that alright with you?'
Britney agreed to her and went in. She looked around.
'Hmm...atleast it's not like what I thought it would be.' she thought to herself. 'Camping looks safe, and cosy, and much more fun. Now I can get more than just school friends, it's like a dream come true!'
Okay. This is enough for one entry, I'll write what happens next in the next entry I'll be making some other time. Tata for now!
P.S. Make a comment about what you think below. In the next entry, all of you will also get to vote things like what names to choose, etc.
Thanx for reading! And hope you have enjoyed the story.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Back! I mean, front!
Haha, anyways, for quite a long time I haven't wrote. But what do I write?
Lets start.
Once upon a time, in America. A sixteen year old girl called Britney -from a very rich family, got very angry with her family.
Because she couldn't go to school, after her mom and dad became famous for their acting skills. She dreamt about being an actress too but now, that's not the time to think of it. She's seriously in danger.
But why? Because she decided that she's going to live the same way, in the same school with her cool friends. Her parents paid a few tution teachers to come to their house and teach them every mornings from now onwards (after they became so famous), so they won't get disturbed by anyone asking for their parents' or their own autographs.
However, her plan was successful (to get things done her way).
You'll see what happened...
Saturday November. In the porch outside the backdoor.
I wanna get out of this dumb house. Seeing that Monica -my lil sister is dumbstruck with mom and dad being famous actors, or actresses..whatever.
Monica and Ken doesn't know what they're gonna do. I mean, how can kids live without anyone their own age to study and play with? Okay, I don't really need to play with them, are we gonna live? And stay at home forever and ever and ever?!
Yes, we can go to parks and museums and stuff like that, and yeah, in this nice shady place in my backdoor too, but it's lonely.
I've thought of an idea: Run away.
Hmm...I'll just have to think 'bout that.
After that, she scribbled down:
'Possible places to live in | Possible ways to run away |
(With lots of kids my age) (Backdoor, window, etc.)
1. Villages 1. My bedroom window
2. Shared flats 2. Attic -with a ladder
3. Burdened houses 3. Backdoor >advantage!
coz then I can have my
last chance sitting here!
But what she doesn't know is that, Monica knows about her secret plan. (She read her diary.)
Before she went to bed in the evening, she arranged her clothes: need and not needed and wrote a short letter saying:
Mom, dad, Monica and Ken,
I'm so sorry. -though she wasn't. She was angry.
I need to leave. I know it's happened all of a sudden, but..what could I do??
I'm safe, so don't worry. I've got myself some cash from mom's purse and everything will go ok.
Though I won't be able to see all of you again. (she added in her mind: Yay!)
If you want to call the police, don't. Because no one will know where I am.
-Britney, the girl who ran away from home.
Then she folded it neatly and kept it sealed in an envelope. On in she stuck a heart sticker, a black colored one.
She decided she was leaving the next morning. At 4am before everyone woke up.
'I'll pack my clothes and stuff in the morning,' she thought, 'so no one will know.'
It was going to be weird, really weird. After living with them for sixteen years! She isn't so sure she really wanted to run away, because more than half a part of her wanted to stay. But only a quarter part -which was very strong, wants to run away because she didn't want to leave her friends and school. She wants to live like a normal girl, not famous. Never.
'I don't want to be an actress!' she muttered to herself, 'Not at all.' because she wants to be 'normal'.
She dozed off, but woke up at 3am, fixed herself a cup of tea and peeped in each of her family's bedrooms.
'Hey, what was that?!' she thought.
In the dim moonlight, flooding in her sister's room, she could see Monica awake, not sleeping. But hunched up beside her bedroom, sobbing.
'What's up with you?' said Britney.
Monica looked at her and gasped, 'Britney! Oh no, please, sissi. You can't do that. How can you!'
Britney sighed heavily, 'Okay, I know. But, how did you manage to read my diary? I mean, you must understand privacy!'
Monica looked more worried, 'Sorry, but you're not gonna ever do that, are you?'
'Gosh, I won't, okay? And there's a condition.'
'If you see me in bed at 5am, say "I promise I will never spill any secret Britney kept to anyone, not even Ken." and then leave my room. Got that?'
And later, Monica went to bed. Britney had made her condition cleverly. 'She won't notice it's just my old clothes under my blanket!' she thought, and satisfied with everything, she started to pack up her bag.
My! I can't believe I wrote soooo much when I had apparently NOTHING to write!!!
Anyways, check back for the continuation of the story!
Hope you liked it!
Lets start.
Once upon a time, in America. A sixteen year old girl called Britney -from a very rich family, got very angry with her family.
Because she couldn't go to school, after her mom and dad became famous for their acting skills. She dreamt about being an actress too but now, that's not the time to think of it. She's seriously in danger.
But why? Because she decided that she's going to live the same way, in the same school with her cool friends. Her parents paid a few tution teachers to come to their house and teach them every mornings from now onwards (after they became so famous), so they won't get disturbed by anyone asking for their parents' or their own autographs.
However, her plan was successful (to get things done her way).
You'll see what happened...
Saturday November. In the porch outside the backdoor.
I wanna get out of this dumb house. Seeing that Monica -my lil sister is dumbstruck with mom and dad being famous actors, or actresses..whatever.
Monica and Ken doesn't know what they're gonna do. I mean, how can kids live without anyone their own age to study and play with? Okay, I don't really need to play with them, are we gonna live? And stay at home forever and ever and ever?!
Yes, we can go to parks and museums and stuff like that, and yeah, in this nice shady place in my backdoor too, but it's lonely.
I've thought of an idea: Run away.
Hmm...I'll just have to think 'bout that.
After that, she scribbled down:
'Possible places to live in | Possible ways to run away |
(With lots of kids my age) (Backdoor, window, etc.)
1. Villages 1. My bedroom window
2. Shared flats 2. Attic -with a ladder
3. Burdened houses 3. Backdoor >advantage!
coz then I can have my
last chance sitting here!
Things to take with me | Cash center??
(Like, my duvet, purse..) (Umm, do I have to
1. Definitely my purse 1. In a restaurant
2. My duvet, pillow 2. A cashier
4. My Ipod and phone 3. A hostess- no, I
3. Clothes must be dreaming!
and a few cushions
But what she doesn't know is that, Monica knows about her secret plan. (She read her diary.)
Before she went to bed in the evening, she arranged her clothes: need and not needed and wrote a short letter saying:
Mom, dad, Monica and Ken,
I'm so sorry. -though she wasn't. She was angry.
I need to leave. I know it's happened all of a sudden, but..what could I do??
I'm safe, so don't worry. I've got myself some cash from mom's purse and everything will go ok.
Though I won't be able to see all of you again. (she added in her mind: Yay!)
If you want to call the police, don't. Because no one will know where I am.
-Britney, the girl who ran away from home.
Then she folded it neatly and kept it sealed in an envelope. On in she stuck a heart sticker, a black colored one.
She decided she was leaving the next morning. At 4am before everyone woke up.
'I'll pack my clothes and stuff in the morning,' she thought, 'so no one will know.'
It was going to be weird, really weird. After living with them for sixteen years! She isn't so sure she really wanted to run away, because more than half a part of her wanted to stay. But only a quarter part -which was very strong, wants to run away because she didn't want to leave her friends and school. She wants to live like a normal girl, not famous. Never.
'I don't want to be an actress!' she muttered to herself, 'Not at all.' because she wants to be 'normal'.
She dozed off, but woke up at 3am, fixed herself a cup of tea and peeped in each of her family's bedrooms.
'Hey, what was that?!' she thought.
In the dim moonlight, flooding in her sister's room, she could see Monica awake, not sleeping. But hunched up beside her bedroom, sobbing.
'What's up with you?' said Britney.
Monica looked at her and gasped, 'Britney! Oh no, please, sissi. You can't do that. How can you!'
Britney sighed heavily, 'Okay, I know. But, how did you manage to read my diary? I mean, you must understand privacy!'
Monica looked more worried, 'Sorry, but you're not gonna ever do that, are you?'
'Gosh, I won't, okay? And there's a condition.'
'If you see me in bed at 5am, say "I promise I will never spill any secret Britney kept to anyone, not even Ken." and then leave my room. Got that?'
And later, Monica went to bed. Britney had made her condition cleverly. 'She won't notice it's just my old clothes under my blanket!' she thought, and satisfied with everything, she started to pack up her bag.
My! I can't believe I wrote soooo much when I had apparently NOTHING to write!!!
Anyways, check back for the continuation of the story!
Hope you liked it!
Thursday, 23 September 2010
A bit of an interesting entry
Back, but it's not going to be totally interesting because I'll have to take a snap of my new purse and that will take some time.
So here it is, my collection of lip balms, smackers, etc.
2. Raspberry lipbalm - from Bodyshop (I bought raspberry when I went with my father and lil sis because I saw my classmate, Rachael using it!)
3. Cookie dough - Lipsmacker
(I got it as a reward from my mother in a petrol station mart for winning a gold medal on my sports day. I've also got a diary set too.)

4. Strawberry & kiwi- Lipsmacker (I bought it in a mall and its like a gloss with a pearl shimmer. You can even lick it! It's sweet.)
I don't have the pic! Wait till I upload it in the next entry!
5. Sugar Crystals - Lipsmacker (My lil sis bought it lately and it's still in the pack because we wanted to make sure it didnt have any animal source in it. I can't wait to try it! PS, we bought it in a pharmacy.)
6. And this is just a random pic of a few lipsmackers that looks awesomely yummy!
I really like ALL of them, they're all so nice and delicious! If you can't resist it, check out and check out the collection, play games, quizzes, ecards, have fun and get to know where and where they sell lipsmackers in your country.
Till next time!
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Hurry hurry!
My father wants the internet right now so I won't be able to write much!
We're soon going out to buy my sissi a pair of jeans and let her play a bit.
Anyway, please wait till my next post because I'll be putting up something
interesting here!
We're soon going out to buy my sissi a pair of jeans and let her play a bit.
Anyway, please wait till my next post because I'll be putting up something
interesting here!
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Back again!! :)
So after a long time, I haven't came here to make any entries..its because NO ONE checks it out, and no one comments, which makes a negative impact whenever I visit it myself!
I've come across and I now think it's really cool, though I haven't even started yet. I don't want to have 2 blogs, so I dont know what to do with this one then, if I start posting there...
I've already planned to upload a few pictures to make it more interesting, but not now, coz I'm trying out! And it'll be interesting!
So I hope you'll keep reading my posts and enjoying your stay, coz there will be other interesting pages too!
Bye for today @ Glow Power Journal!
Hope you'll visit my new blog soon! (When it comes out.)
I've come across and I now think it's really cool, though I haven't even started yet. I don't want to have 2 blogs, so I dont know what to do with this one then, if I start posting there...
I've already planned to upload a few pictures to make it more interesting, but not now, coz I'm trying out! And it'll be interesting!
So I hope you'll keep reading my posts and enjoying your stay, coz there will be other interesting pages too!
Bye for today @ Glow Power Journal!
Hope you'll visit my new blog soon! (When it comes out.)
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Cool links!
Oh my god, you musn't have wanted to wait for me to post here another time but it was so long since I last posted! Why? Because I don't know what to say! I always run out of topic when a blank page meets straight into my face. But this time, without a moment to think, I've typed out the topic you see above which might just interest you guys...well, most of them.
Recently, I've browsed a load of sites which might be pretty cool for you to visit sometime.
I keep saying I'll be putting them up at my site (I don't know which my site since I've made so many and never published!) so I decided to put some up here. But I've only said that to my sissis.
Here's the list-which you might want to have a copy of it in your folder!-that is, if you're really interested.
Bye for today!
Almost not a power journally,
Recently, I've browsed a load of sites which might be pretty cool for you to visit sometime.
I keep saying I'll be putting them up at my site (I don't know which my site since I've made so many and never published!) so I decided to put some up here. But I've only said that to my sissis.
Here's the list-which you might want to have a copy of it in your folder!-that is, if you're really interested.
- : It has entertainment, games, sports, school, chat boards, contests, quizzes and all sorts of stuff. They're ideal for kids...because if you're a teen, you'll browse it pretty fast. But it's good, trust me.
- : Ooo...girly! Especially cool for the little girls. And if you follow this link:, you'll find all sorts of fun stuff. Wow, worth checking out-if you're girly!
- : If you're a kid, surfing the net to find some sites to check out, click that link. It's a directory of sites for kids. KIDS. And I mean it.
- : Atlast, a site for all! Great if you're a disney fan. You can check out really cool stuff here, the graphics are awesome, you'll have to agree. Dive in for some entertainment!
- : If you don't know what this is, it's a site belonging to an author. If you're a fan of the Princess Diaries, the Mediator series, or you're just browsing something interesting for teen girls, check this out. You can have your own diary (In my opinion, the software looks kinda cheap.), take quizzes, see videos, get downloads, etc. Need me tell more?? Yeah, no no!
- : Ha ha ha! Oh-me-gosh. Yeah, girls only. But it contains very little stuff.
- and I agree it sounds weird compared to the contents!
Bye for today!
Almost not a power journally,
Monday, 16 August 2010
Other's sites...
Well, I usually check out other kids' or teens' sites, I do wish they would be interesting but...okay, some are but the fun ends. That's exactly why I planned on making my site with 53 pages! Then the fun will never end!
So after all, it's for girls...again!! Hehe, and that makes it more fun and interesting. To me. But maybe not to tomboy girls and boys ofcourse. But girls would definitely love it.
Why? Maybe you're thinking I'm being boastful. Sorry, but surprisingly, it's NO.
I just don't get it, I checked out so many sites with subdomains-which means they're free sites made by kids and teens but NONE, I tell you, were good. I dont understand them at all. I mean, why can't they do it properly and professionaly? It just puzzles me because anyone can make it as good as me... if you still believe that I AM really boastful, I will give you dire proof! HAHA, it's because I can imagine it already...I haven't made it yet, but it's this wonderful preteen-girls site with beautiful colors, simple and fresh backgrounds, bars and texts, neat images with descriptions and links that has catchy but simple and attractive link buttons. They all get linked to these white backgrounded-with-little-icon pictures-background and they all look fabulously good. I can't wait to start on it, and I just wish you are a girl who likes those kind of things because I will want visitors.
Ok, I'm writing about my site in the early morning, at 7:03am and I still haven't slept. Yeah, the whole night!
I changed my background into this 'shopping bags' template because I want a white background, colorful pictures and a 'lively' (alive) look, so it looks like the blog/site is not dead and left unupdated.
Thanks AGAIN for reading! Hope you'll wait for me to find something suitable to put up here!
So after all, it's for girls...again!! Hehe, and that makes it more fun and interesting. To me. But maybe not to tomboy girls and boys ofcourse. But girls would definitely love it.
Why? Maybe you're thinking I'm being boastful. Sorry, but surprisingly, it's NO.
I just don't get it, I checked out so many sites with subdomains-which means they're free sites made by kids and teens but NONE, I tell you, were good. I dont understand them at all. I mean, why can't they do it properly and professionaly? It just puzzles me because anyone can make it as good as me... if you still believe that I AM really boastful, I will give you dire proof! HAHA, it's because I can imagine it already...I haven't made it yet, but it's this wonderful preteen-girls site with beautiful colors, simple and fresh backgrounds, bars and texts, neat images with descriptions and links that has catchy but simple and attractive link buttons. They all get linked to these white backgrounded-with-little-icon pictures-background and they all look fabulously good. I can't wait to start on it, and I just wish you are a girl who likes those kind of things because I will want visitors.
Ok, I'm writing about my site in the early morning, at 7:03am and I still haven't slept. Yeah, the whole night!
I changed my background into this 'shopping bags' template because I want a white background, colorful pictures and a 'lively' (alive) look, so it looks like the blog/site is not dead and left unupdated.
Thanks AGAIN for reading! Hope you'll wait for me to find something suitable to put up here!
Sunday, 15 August 2010
What I had for 'break-fast' in the evening
Hey again, my pal!
So today, I'm going to tell you the 'breakfast' I had in the evening.
If you do not know that it's Ramadan now, you might think it's really weird..
or maybe I woke late, but no. You can come to know about Ramadan by going
to this link: hhtp: //
Its like a feast! I had cups of tea, and crescent shaped fried-pastry with tuna and potato filling.
There was also kanji, in other words, broken wheat soup. I don't favor that much, so I didn't
have it. :P
But ofcourse I had milktea!!!! Two cups actually. And I still want more for greediness. Lol.
I think I don't have time for more words, and interesting things, so see ya soon!
Please comment if you want to suggest some pages or stuff for me to create on my blog that
you would like to browse. I'll make it fun as I can.
So today, I'm going to tell you the 'breakfast' I had in the evening.
If you do not know that it's Ramadan now, you might think it's really weird..
or maybe I woke late, but no. You can come to know about Ramadan by going
to this link: hhtp: //
Its like a feast! I had cups of tea, and crescent shaped fried-pastry with tuna and potato filling.
There was also kanji, in other words, broken wheat soup. I don't favor that much, so I didn't
have it. :P
But ofcourse I had milktea!!!! Two cups actually. And I still want more for greediness. Lol.
I think I don't have time for more words, and interesting things, so see ya soon!
Please comment if you want to suggest some pages or stuff for me to create on my blog that
you would like to browse. I'll make it fun as I can.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Howdy! updates!
Hey, pal!
I think I've made my blog more interesting. Check it out.
Haven't you even noticed my glow clock on the right? Look>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I LOVE IT! It's such a beautiful clock I keep staring at it. :P
I had a weird dream last night and I woke late today. It's because I slept
at 4 in the morning yesterday! :P XD
I did a sub-chapter of science today, but I didn't do more. I couldn't
wait to run to the computer because of my blog and poetryforkids, and I wanted
to make new updates.
This happens almost all the time; whenever I'm studying or revising, the computer becomes
free and I get so tempted I have to stop my studying and I run here! XD
I'm always trying to make my own site, but now, I decided to pause and stop
finding for webhosts because:
1. It's not necessary.
2. The webhosts will earn from my site visitors.
3. I can't find a proper webhost that gives: unlimited space, no ads, easy editor, professional templates,
free and unlimited email accounts. Who will give it for FREE??!!
Anyway, I hope you're going to visit my blog every few days because it's going to be updated a lot.
Now I'm only doing my blog, so I'm leaving the girlnet site alone now since I've already wrote down a whole list of contents! And guess what?? THERE ARE 53 PAGES IN THE SITE!!! :O
Hope you're enjoying your stay! This is not just a blog, this is also an entertainment area!
P.S. My real name means Happy! :) Though I'm NOT happy all the time, I'm quite moody. :P
Oh yes, check out for something fun! Check out the post on Monday
June 2009. You know, there's one thing I hate about bloggers, they always leave it for months and years!
But I won't want this blog to be like that! I will try to post something fun everytime!
Truelly truelly,
PPS!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!!
And it's my parent's anniversary!!!!! :D They don't celebrate it. :P
I think I've made my blog more interesting. Check it out.
Haven't you even noticed my glow clock on the right? Look>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I LOVE IT! It's such a beautiful clock I keep staring at it. :P
I had a weird dream last night and I woke late today. It's because I slept
at 4 in the morning yesterday! :P XD
I did a sub-chapter of science today, but I didn't do more. I couldn't
wait to run to the computer because of my blog and poetryforkids, and I wanted
to make new updates.
This happens almost all the time; whenever I'm studying or revising, the computer becomes
free and I get so tempted I have to stop my studying and I run here! XD
I'm always trying to make my own site, but now, I decided to pause and stop
finding for webhosts because:
1. It's not necessary.
2. The webhosts will earn from my site visitors.
3. I can't find a proper webhost that gives: unlimited space, no ads, easy editor, professional templates,
free and unlimited email accounts. Who will give it for FREE??!!
Anyway, I hope you're going to visit my blog every few days because it's going to be updated a lot.
Now I'm only doing my blog, so I'm leaving the girlnet site alone now since I've already wrote down a whole list of contents! And guess what?? THERE ARE 53 PAGES IN THE SITE!!! :O
Hope you're enjoying your stay! This is not just a blog, this is also an entertainment area!
P.S. My real name means Happy! :) Though I'm NOT happy all the time, I'm quite moody. :P
Oh yes, check out for something fun! Check out the post on Monday
June 2009. You know, there's one thing I hate about bloggers, they always leave it for months and years!
But I won't want this blog to be like that! I will try to post something fun everytime!
Truelly truelly,
PPS!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!!
And it's my parent's anniversary!!!!! :D They don't celebrate it. :P
Welcome to my Powerblog!
So you've finally made your journey here! This is my blog, xXGlitterXx's blog and here's a warm welcome just for you! Because if you and people like you didn't exist, I wouldn't have ever made this blog, and it won't exist too.
You can be hoping this blog is more interesting, right? Well, unlike "some" youths who leave their blogs behind without updating anymore, I will always try to update it no matter what!
I hope there will be interesting things here to interest you, and ofcourse you're hoping too!
Thankyou for reading my first entry, I hope I will write more and more and more if I can and have the time to. Hope you'll come back soon! Because it'll be updated many times, in less than a week and maybe a week's time. I will change the theme occasionally so you won't get too bored with the same theme. :)
P.S. If you've ever wondered what I meant by my "Powerblog", it's a new word for you to remember which means a blog that will be updated and used almost for a youths-time!
Thanks for reading again!
Please post a comment after reading this so I'll know someone actually came to my blog.
You can be hoping this blog is more interesting, right? Well, unlike "some" youths who leave their blogs behind without updating anymore, I will always try to update it no matter what!
I hope there will be interesting things here to interest you, and ofcourse you're hoping too!
Thankyou for reading my first entry, I hope I will write more and more and more if I can and have the time to. Hope you'll come back soon! Because it'll be updated many times, in less than a week and maybe a week's time. I will change the theme occasionally so you won't get too bored with the same theme. :)
P.S. If you've ever wondered what I meant by my "Powerblog", it's a new word for you to remember which means a blog that will be updated and used almost for a youths-time!
Thanks for reading again!
Please post a comment after reading this so I'll know someone actually came to my blog.
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