Saturday, 30 April 2011

3rd Place!

Guess what, you might not know I play Superstar Racing (Racing car) on my computer and it's so difficult to win but I got 3rd place! Yay!

If you know what it is, you'll know why it's a big thing being 3rd. But I want to try to beat the others and be the 2nd, or even the 1st! But it takes time, and not all the time it's fair. Sometimes I'm at the 18th place in the start of the race, and that's way behind the first few racers and you have to race a bigger distance, which isn't really fair. But once I was on the 16th place and I came 4th!


1 comment:

  1. yeah, but i bet u have a different view now coz u like being one of the last now! i hate when i use the same word twice in the same sentence! x( lol.
