Thursday, 7 April 2011

My Book Ideas, opinions, advert ideas...

I can finally write down all those stuff I wanted to talk about. Because I've got to revise and study first so it took me a few hours before I could do stuff on the computer.

Recently I've got book ideas and thought of making a girly book called Cherry Luck. I think it's a really nice name for a book but the problem is I don't know how to start it. :P I won't tell whats it about until I come to a final decision. (But I've already wrote my plans on what happens in each chapter)

Then I came up with Belinda's Diary because I've always wanted to write a story about a girl with something about her which'd turn out surprising to the readers. BUT, I won't tell it out too. Haha, very annoying XD

Then I came up with a book called Letters From Paris. It's also a nice name and I know what happens in the book but I didn't start on it yet -I need some planning.
So I...don't know what to start on. I've made two covers for Cherry Luck and I think I like the one I made first.

So you can comment about I will talk about Zelda and Tiffany who can sing nicely. Zelda sings even better and she's got a great talent!!

Ok, I just checked them out on Youtube and I thought she looks like a japanese, but her voice turned out fab and I was more than surprised when I came to know she actually played the piano by ear because it was sooo nice hearing the piano!! And I don't know if I'm jealous or not because I can play by ear too and I don't know if I can play as good if I had a piano. So..currently -lol- I'm not jealous. She's modest, so I'm not annoyed of her.

And then I checked out the other girl's videos, it was normal, well, OK. But I'm sure she looked pretty but I finally settled on thinking I was NOT jealous of her because she looked like Kimi in Full House (A serial I used to watch long ago).

Here are 2 videos: The first one is Zelda, the 2nd one is Tiffany Alvord. And pls tell me
what you think!                                         


Yesterday I checked out and I really liked it. I mean it was something I looked forward to because there's nothing much interesting on the web. And it was the first time I came to know there was even a journal with my account! It was kinda fun writing in it. But today I came to know there was a limit to the space per entry. So...aww!! (I mean like ugh)
But I got this idea today -or was it yesterday? Whatever- that I could advertise my website on GirlSense Babble and on Kidsbop, I can make a video about it. So all these sounds like fun. And I hope this idea will work -and I guess it will atleast bring 1 new visitor to my website- because on GS(Girlsense) girls did visit my boutique and on Kidsbop people did check out my vids. So yea!
So I'm done! I wrote everything down and..I want 2 kno what's ur say. So comment comment comment! :)



  1. i think zelda sings well and her voice is good. tiffany sings nice but the tones arent exactly good. i think they're both GREAT!

  2. Yep! Umm..i cant see how u sound like a small kid..well maybe a bit! But I think Christina (Zelda)sings better than Tiffany.

  3. I've watched a lot of Zelda's vids on youtube, and she is amazing in my opinion..there is one vid I like a lot. I forget the name but when I think of it I'll tell you. ALL your story Ideas were should really start writing them!!!!

  4. Thx a bunch for you comment, Cindy ^_^ Me too, I checked out a lot of her videos and I think in her latest video on her Youtube channel she looked much better. (: Guess what, I've started on yet ANOTHER book! Check on my new entry to know about it!
